MERSCOPE Immuno-Oncology Panel

Investigate critical immune oncology interactions with the tumor microenvironment​

Vizgen's predesigned  MERSCOPE Immuno-Oncology Panel (Human) for the MERSCOPE® Platform provides researchers with a curated list of 500 biologically relevant genes targeting the immune response to cancer in human tissue. Our application-specific panel significantly decreases the startup time for beginning your MERFISH journey with MERSCOPE.


FFPE data image collage


Figure 1. Spatial distribution of identified cell types across different human FFPE tumor samples analyzed with the MERSCOPE Immuno-Oncolgy Panel on the MERSCOPE Platform.

MERSCOPE Immuno-Oncology Panel

Vizgen’s predesigned MERSCOPE Immuno-Oncology Panel enables the characterization of tumor and immune behavior at cellular and subcellular levels across multiple types of human cancers. 

MERSCOPE Immuno-Oncology Panel Advantages

  • Identifies major immune cells and subtypes
  • Includes immune checkpoint molecules to enable the characterization of immune-cancer interplay
  • Compatible across human Breast, Lung, Liver, Prostate, Colon, Melanoma, Ovarian, and Brain cancers
  • Tissue preservation compatibility – Fresh Frozen, Fixed Frozen, Cell Culture, and FFPE



Vizgen MERSCOPE Predesigned Panel Flyer

Predeisgned Panel Flyer Rev b preview image

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Curated List of 500 Genes Targeting the Immune Response to Cancer

Spatial transcriptomics provides powerful insights into complex biology but can require high costs in time and resources to build comprehensive gene panels of interest. We constructed the panel using the well recognized  Hallmarks of Cancer1 database and cutting-edge literature2 to ensure the inclusion of cancer and immune genes critical to ongoing research and drug discovery efforts worldwide.

IO panel gene set list with example genes3


Figure 2: List of example gene sets and genes included in the MERSCOPE Immuno-Oncology Panel.

Examples of gene sets and Subgroups in the MERSCOPE Immuno-Oncology Predesigned Panel.


Figure 3: Researchers will be able to study the intricate tumor-immune system interplay in the tumor microenvironment. with the MERSCOPE Immuno-Oncology Predesigned Panel.

MERSCOPE FFPE Human Immuno-Oncology Data Release

The MERSCOPE FFPE Human Immuno-Oncology Data Release was generated using the MERSCOPE FFPE Sample Prep Kit and the MERSCOPE Imuno-Oncology Predesigned Panel. The data release includes 16 MERFISH datasets generated by  MERSCOPE from 8 different human tumor types, each measuring 500 genes representing approximately 4 billion transcripts and 9 million cells cumulatively.​

Access the data today and explore the characterization of immune cell types in the tumor microenvironment!

Human Ovarian Cancer FFPE zoom cropp


Figure 4: MERFISH data generated by MERSCOPE from a FFPE human ovarian tumor tissue section featured in the data release displayed in the MERSCOPE Vizualizer. The richness of MERSCOPE data reveals the intricate spatial distribution of transcripts across the large tumor tissue section, down to the single-cell level, mapping the tumor microenvironment. 

Explore More MERSCOPE Predesigned Panels

MERSCOPE PanCancer Pathways Panel 500 Genes (Human)

Explore tumor biology and interactions within the tumor microenvironment.

MERSCOPE PanNeuro Cell Type 500 Panel 500 Genes (Mouse)

 Identify all major cell types and established neuron subtypes in the mouse brain.

 Clustered cells spatially displayed across a Human Lung Cancer tissue section.
Spatial distribution of all cell clusters in one mouse coronal section


Figure 5: Clustered cells spatially displayed across a Human Lung Cancer tissue section. Data generated with the MERSCOPE PanCancer Pathways Panel.


Figure 6: Spatial distribution of all cell clusters in one mouse coronal section. Data generated with the MERSCOPE PanNeuro Cell Type Panel.


  1. Hanahan D. Hallmarks of Cancer: New Dimensions. Cancer Discov. January 1, 2022;12(1):31-46. .doi:10.1158/2159-8290.CD-21-1059
  2. Bagaev, et al. Conserved pan-cancer microenvironment subtypes predict response to immunotherapy. Cancer Cell. 2021;39(6):845-865.e7. doi:10.1016/j.ccell.2021.04.014.